Sanuks – MY next pair of shoes

Actually, if I were to throw a slogan idea out there, it would say, “Sanuks. Shoes your feet won’t regret.” However, that slogan doesn’t match who the Sanuk company is and who they’re aiming to be. But we’ll leave this sort of thing to their marketing agency and them.

I have less time than I realize, so I’m making this short…

I have this pair now.
Even though I bought them 2 sizes too small, I still love them!

This is the pair I’m going to buy soon…

They look SOOOOOOO comfortable and perfect!

Dear Sanuk Shoes, you rock!
Love, Nate


Filed under Awesome

2 responses to “Sanuks – MY next pair of shoes

  1. Dear Nate,

    You Rock!



  2. Pingback: Sorry Sanuks, it’s December in Minnesota « KNOX-esque

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