#HAPPO intro

Friday is the day.

Friday’s it.

Of course it marks the weekend and grilling with a drink in hand, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

It’s IT!

Friday, as you may or may not know, is Help A PR Pro Out Day (a.k.a. HAPPO Day). For those who don’t know, visit this link to learn more.

For those of you who DO know, you are getting ready to promote the hell out of yourself. You should have a post planned (hopefully done already) and it should be creative.

Yes, creative. There are a few examples of creativity that caught a bit of attention last time (one from yours truly) and everyone, they mean it – everyone, is encouraged and expected to be creative this time around.

If you’re participating, I encourage you to not just pimp yourself out to the looking-to-be-impressed PR professionals out there, but to HELP OUT your fellow job-seekers. There is nothing more off-putting than selfishness; please don’t continually post your own link every eight seconds. After, even before, you post your self-promo, go look at the other blogs and links. Highlight and retweet things that stick out to you. There will be a few gems in there, so if you spot one, promote it!!!!!!!!

The day is called HAPPO – Help A PR Pro Out – so do it.

I have a couple posts already done and a few on the way that will be sporadically tweeted during the event, but I will be on the watch for those gem posts.

If I can help you out, let me know by DMing @nateknox or emailing me.

If you need someone to host your post or tout you, give me a shout.

(EDIT: …and there’s a horrible way to end your #happo post)


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3 responses to “#HAPPO intro

  1. A great reminder that those looking for a job can also help someone else. Like my mom always said, “Do unto others…”

    Will be on the lookout for you Friday Nate!


    PS- Your grilling Friday? What time should I be over šŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  3. Pingback: HAPPO News & Information from around the blogs…

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